o Genesis
Initially documented -1880’s and 1890’s (France and the United States).
United States Initial Patent - Ogden Bolton Jr.(1895)
Battery-powered bicycle(hub motor inside the rear wheel)
Battery inside main frame.
1897 - Hosea W. Libbey invented electric bicycle propelled by "double electric motor".
Philips and Simplex - 1932 Phillips Simplex Electric Bike.

Image Courtesy : www.radpowerbikes.com
o Modern Context
Technological advancements in batteries and frame materials.
Growing popularity.
Mass produced by a plethora of companies.
Host of options to choose from.
Ideal for short commute.
Increasingly being preferred over pure mechanical bi-cycles.
Minimal expenditure in charging.
Has become a fashion statement.

Image Courtesy : www.pintrest.com
o Pros
Fast and flexible.
Easy to operate.
Cut down fuel expenses.
Can improve fitness.
Assist biking process – uphill, long distance, mountain biking, old age.
Environmentally friendly.
Sturdy design.

Image Courtesy : https://www.bicycling.com

Image Courtesy : www.evduniya.com
o Cons
Overall pricey.
Costly repairs (sometimes maintenance).
Limited riding range (but few models can exceed 100 kms)
Long battery charge time (few hours).
Considerably heavier.
Short battery lifespan (3-5 Years, but better batteries being made).
Lower resale value.
Manufacturing still not environmentally friendly.
o Prognosis : Are They Worth It?
Definitely the in-thing.
Short city commute- YES
Longer route – Based on individual cycling capability – maybe NO.
Novice/ intermediate mountain biker – YES.
Hilly area basic commute – YES.
Small Kids – MAYBE NOT. Teens – MAYBE.
Feel good factor – YES
Value for money – YES, if used for 3-4 years, NOT in short run or resale.
o My Recommendation - Go for it. Am using one since last 3+ years. Worth it.